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  Using Everycontractor.com

Basics of using Everycontractor.com

Finding a Service Professional using Everycontractor.com is simple. Enter a word or phrase that best describes what you're looking for into the search box on the home page. Enter the city, state or zip code for the location where service is needed. Hit the 'Enter' key or click on the search button.

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Be as specific as you can. (Example: Kitchen Cabinet Installer instead of just Cabinets) Everycontractor.com responds by displaying a list of categories that match your keywords. Select the category that best matches your project needs. If you do not see a category that matches check the spelling of your keyword(s) or try to be more specific with your search phrase.

Understanding the results after you have selected a category.

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Let us match you with the right Service Professional. Tell us how to contact you and give us a few details about your project needs and we will match you to a Contractor or Service Professional in your area. This is a FREE service provided by Everycontractor.com.

Sponsored Results
If we have Preferred Contractors or Featured Listings that match your search criteria they will be displayed on the page first. These are sponsored listings. Clicking on the company name will provide you with additional details about the business as well as a short form you can use to request service. Some categories will not have sponsored listings that match them.

Explaining the different areas of the results page.

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Just tell about your project and we will match you with a Contractor or Service Professional in your area. We do all the work for you, so go relax while we find you a qualified professional for your project. A Service Request form will appear for every matching category. This is a free service. You can choose to have someone will contact you within 72 hours to talk about your project needs and get Free Estimates!

Preferred Contractors Sponsored Result

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This section is where tried and tested Service Professionals in your local area are listed. It is here where homeowners, developers, subcontractors, general contractors, property managers, product suppliers, manufacturers and distributors go to find pre-screened, licensed, insured and phone verified Service Professionals. Clicking on the company name will provide you with additional details about the business as well as a short form you can use to request service.

Featured Listings Sponsored Result back to top

Companies that appear here are sponsored listings that appear when matching your search criteria. These Service Professionals have purchased a featured listing that is displayed when a user searches for products or services they provide. Clicking on the company name will provide you with additional details about the business as well as a short form you can use to request service.

Most Searched Types:
exterior painting or staining - new
interior painting or staining - new
kitchen - remodel
plumber - general services
drywall - install
Top Search Keywords:
exterior painting or staining - new
kitchen remodeling - major
remodeling - major
roofing - composite
additions - minor
painting - interior
bath remodeling - major
painting - minor
siding - vinyl
remodeling - minor
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