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  Frequently Asked Questions

How long has EveryContractor been in business?
EveryContractor was founded in 1998, incorporated in 2000, and we are looking forward to celebrating 10 successful years in 2008!
What are Featured Listings?
These are listings of contractors and service professionals who have purchased a featured listing on our directory pages. Clicking on the company name will provide you with additional details about the business as well as a short form that you can use to request a quote for your project.
Am I in any way obligated to use the contractor or service professional with whom you match me?
There is no obligation. The final choice of who you hire for your project is, of course, entirely up to you. We will provide qualified, pre-screened professionals who are matched to your needs. All we ask is that you let us know whom you hire for the job.
I am a General Contractor looking for bids from subcontractors. Can I use your service for this?
Absolutely! To submit an invitation to bid, just click here. This is a free service offered by EveryContractor.
How does EveryContractor match me with the right contractor or service professional?
EveryContractor’s proprietary technology matches you with the best contractor or service professional in your area. It takes just a few minutes to gather the data about your project – either online or by telephone – and begin the matching process.
What does “prescreened” mean?
These are tried and tested service professionals in your local area who are pre-screened by EveryContractor and who are licensed and insured.
What types of contractors and service professionals are in EveryContractor’s network?
Our network of pre-screened contractors includes professionals in nearly 1,000 different categories – ranging from window washing to planning and building an addition to your home to designing a new office building.
What geographical areas does EveryContractor serve?
Our network includes 30,000 professionals who work throughout the United States, as well as in select areas of Canada, the United Kingdom, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Who uses EveryContractor?
EveryContractor’s customers include homeowners, developers and investors, real estate agents and insurance companies who are looking for the best local contractors and service providers. Our customers even include general contractors who are seeking skilled and reliable subcontractors. Our fast, free and easy matching service is available to all of our customers.

Are you ready for us to make your match? If so, please click here.

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