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Everycontractor.com  > >  Contractor Directory  > >  Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Install or Replace  > >  M. L. Zehr Construction
M. L. Zehr Construction
Quality is our priority.
Phone: 260-433-5628
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Company ID: 51783
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Interior ...
Category: Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, New Home Builders, Major Remodels & Renovations, General Contractors - Disaster Recovery Services, Carpentry Framing - Install, Metal Stairs and Railings - Install or Replace, Metal Stairs and Railings - Repair, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Repair or Partially Replace, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Simulated Wood or Stone Laminate Floor - Repair, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Install, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Repair, Custom Home Builder, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Metal Roofing - Paint, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Install or Replace, Metal Roofing - Install or Replace, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Install or Replace, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Repair, Metal Roofing - Repair, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Repair, Brick or Stone Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Brick or Stone Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Metal Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Metal Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Vinyl Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Vinyl Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Patio Cover or Awning - Install or Replace, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Metal Structure or Object - Weld or Cut, Office Tenant Improvements - Build, New Office - Build, Hardi Plank Siding, Wood Siding, Metal Roof - Fabricator, Brick or Stone Pavers - Install or Replace, Steel Building, Steel Stud Framing, Tile - Install, Concrete - Install, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Removal, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Removal, Wood Flooring - Removal, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install, Concrete Pavers - Install
Description: Interior Exterior Built Warehouse Building Project
Keywords: Interior, Exterior, Built, Warehouse, Building, Project, Metal Building, Metal, Metal Siding, Aluminum Siding
Commerci ...
Category: Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, New Home Builders, Major Remodels & Renovations, General Contractors - Disaster Recovery Services, Carpentry Framing - Install, Metal Stairs and Railings - Install or Replace, Metal Stairs and Railings - Repair, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Repair or Partially Replace, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Simulated Wood or Stone Laminate Floor - Repair, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Install, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Repair, Custom Home Builder, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Metal Roofing - Paint, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Install or Replace, Metal Roofing - Install or Replace, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Install or Replace, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Repair, Metal Roofing - Repair, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Repair, Brick or Stone Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Brick or Stone Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Metal Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Metal Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Vinyl Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Vinyl Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Patio Cover or Awning - Install or Replace, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Metal Structure or Object - Weld or Cut, Office Tenant Improvements - Build, New Office - Build, Hardi Plank Siding, Wood Siding, Metal Roof - Fabricator, Brick or Stone Pavers - Install or Replace, Steel Building, Steel Stud Framing, Tile - Install, Concrete - Install, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Removal, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Removal, Wood Flooring - Removal, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install, Concrete Pavers - Install, Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, New Home Builders, Major Remodels & Renovations, General Contractors - Disaster Recovery Services, Carpentry Framing - Install, Metal Stairs and Railings - Install or Replace, Metal Stairs and Railings - Repair, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Repair or Partially Replace, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Simulated Wood or Stone Laminate Floor - Repair, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Install, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Repair, Custom Home Builder, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Metal Roofing - Paint, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Install or Replace, Metal Roofing - Install or Replace, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Install or Replace, Asphalt Shingle Roofing - Repair, Metal Roofing - Repair, Wood Shake or Composite Roofing - Repair, Brick or Stone Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Brick or Stone Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Metal Siding: Install or Completely Replace, Metal Siding: Repair or Partially Replace, Vinyl Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Vinyl Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Install or Completely Replace, Wood or Fiber - Cement Siding - Repair or Partially Replace, Patio Cover or Awning - Install or Replace, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Metal Structure or Object - Weld or Cut, Office Tenant Improvements - Build, New Office - Build, Hardi Plank Siding, Wood Siding, Metal Roof - Fabricator, Brick or Stone Pavers - Install or Replace, Steel Building, Steel Stud Framing, Tile - Install, Concrete - Install, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Removal, Vinyl or Linoleum Sheet Flooring or Tiles - Removal, Wood Flooring - Removal, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install, Concrete Pavers - Install
Description: Commercial Project Construction of Store gas station
Keywords: Interior, Exterior, Built, Warehouse, Building, Project, Metal Building, Metal, Metal Siding, Aluminum Siding, Interior, Exterior, Built, store, Building, Project, Metal Building, Metal, Metal Siding, Aluminum Siding
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