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Everycontractor.com  > >  Contractor Directory  > >  Addition to Existing Structure - Build  > >  Wasatch Builders & Repair LLC
Wasatch Builders & Repair LLC
Phone: 435-884-3252
Overall Company Rating:  rate
Company ID: 45359
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Exterior ...
Category: Garage - Build, Basement - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Concrete Foundation - Repair and Raise, Concrete - Delivery, Concrete - Pumping, Concrete - Sawing or Removal, Concrete Driveways, Patios, and Walks - Injection Leveling, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Demolition - Outside, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Repair, Retaining Wall - Install, Stamped or Colored Concrete Wall - Install, Swimming Pool - Above Ground, Build or Install, Concrete Crowns - Pour, New Office - Build, Retail Buildings - Build, Inground Concrete Spa, Swimming Pool - Build, Concrete - Install, Concrete - Cleaning, Swimming Pool Construction, Coping, Decking and Covers & Digital Measuring or Templating, Concrete Stamping, Coloring or Special Finishes - Apply, Concrete Cutting for New Window & Door Installation, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Garbage Enclosure - Build, Concrete - Coring, Insulated Concrete Forms - Install, Swimming Pool Plumbing- Install, Swimming Pool Gunite - Install, Swimming Pool Excavation, Concrete Sealant - Apply, Concrete Balcony - Repair or Restoration, Concrete Pavers - Install
Description: Exterior Concrete Stone Pool area Residential Project
Keywords: Exterior, Concrete, Stone, Pool, area, Residential, Exterior Concrete Stone Pool
Interior ...
Category: Garage - Build, Basement - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Concrete Foundation - Repair and Raise, Concrete - Delivery, Concrete - Pumping, Concrete - Sawing or Removal, Concrete Driveways, Patios, and Walks - Injection Leveling, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Demolition - Outside, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Repair, Retaining Wall - Install, Stamped or Colored Concrete Wall - Install, Swimming Pool - Above Ground, Build or Install, Concrete Crowns - Pour, New Office - Build, Retail Buildings - Build, Inground Concrete Spa, Swimming Pool - Build, Concrete - Install, Concrete - Cleaning, Swimming Pool Construction, Coping, Decking and Covers & Digital Measuring or Templating, Concrete Stamping, Coloring or Special Finishes - Apply, Concrete Cutting for New Window & Door Installation, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Garbage Enclosure - Build, Concrete - Coring, Insulated Concrete Forms - Install, Swimming Pool Plumbing- Install, Swimming Pool Gunite - Install, Swimming Pool Excavation, Concrete Sealant - Apply, Concrete Balcony - Repair or Restoration, Concrete Pavers - Install, Garage - Build, Basement - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Install, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Repair & Resurface, Concrete Foundation - Install, Concrete Foundation - Repair and Raise, Concrete - Delivery, Concrete - Pumping, Concrete - Sawing or Removal, Concrete Driveways, Patios, and Walks - Injection Leveling, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Demolition - Outside, Poured Concrete Wall - Install, Poured Concrete Wall - Repair, Retaining Wall - Install, Concrete Crowns - Pour, New Office - Build, Retail Buildings - Build, Road Construction, Inground Concrete Spa, Concrete - Install, Concrete - Cleaning, Concrete Stamping, Coloring or Special Finishes - Apply, Concrete - Acid Staining, Concrete Cutting for New Window & Door Installation, Demolition - Interior, Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks and Floors - Removal, Garbage Enclosure - Build, Concrete - Coring, Insulated Concrete Forms - Install, Concrete Sealant - Apply, Concrete Balcony - Repair or Restoration, Concrete Pavers - Install
Description: Interior Stone Tile Bathroom Residential Project
Keywords: Exterior, Concrete, Stone, Pool, area, Residential, Exterior Concrete Stone Pool, Interior, Stone, Bathroom, Residential, Interior stone, Stone Bathroom, Tile, Stone Tile, Tiling Stone
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