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Craftsman Homes
Craftsman Quality
Phone: 574-361-5078
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Company ID: 29161
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Exterior ...
Exterior ...
Category: Garage - Build, Sunroom or Patio Enclosure - Build, Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, Countertops, Flooring, Major Home Repairs, Wedding Arrangements, Major Remodels & Renovations, Cabinets - Install, Cabinets - Reface, Closet or Garage Organizers - Install, Countertops - Laminate Countertops - Install, Countertops - Tile: Ceramic and Porcelain - Install, Countertops - Tile: Natural Stone (Granite, Marble, Slate, Quartz, etc.) - Install, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Install or Replace, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Repair, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Refinish, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Disability Ramps - Build, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Deck or Porch - Build or Replace, Deck - Repair or Replace, Deck, Fence, Patio or Porch - Clean and Seal, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Designer - Landscape, Specialty Painting - Faux Finishes, Disability Elevator or Chair Lift - Install, Disability Retrofit, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Manufacturer, Deck Railings - Install, Deck Railings - Repair, Deck - Demolition, Deck - Design, 3 Season Room - Install, Medical Cabinets, Deck Finishing, Steel Building, Tile - Install, Tile - Repair, Tile Flooring - Install, Demolition - Interior, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install
Description: Exterior Residential Custom Designed Sun Deck
Keywords: Exterior, Residential, Porch, Construction, Residential Project, New Roof, Roofing, Sun Roof, Porch Roof, New Porch Construction, Patio, New Exterior Porch, Custom Designed enterance, Sun deck, Covered Sun Deck
Interior ...
Interior ...
Interior ...
Category: Garage - Build, Sunroom or Patio Enclosure - Build, Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, Countertops, Flooring, Major Home Repairs, Wedding Arrangements, Major Remodels & Renovations, Cabinets - Install, Cabinets - Reface, Closet or Garage Organizers - Install, Countertops - Laminate Countertops - Install, Countertops - Tile: Ceramic and Porcelain - Install, Countertops - Tile: Natural Stone (Granite, Marble, Slate, Quartz, etc.) - Install, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Install or Replace, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Repair, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Refinish, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Disability Ramps - Build, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Deck or Porch - Build or Replace, Deck - Repair or Replace, Deck, Fence, Patio or Porch - Clean and Seal, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Designer - Landscape, Specialty Painting - Faux Finishes, Disability Elevator or Chair Lift - Install, Disability Retrofit, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Manufacturer, Deck Railings - Install, Deck Railings - Repair, Deck - Demolition, Deck - Design, 3 Season Room - Install, Medical Cabinets, Deck Finishing, Steel Building, Tile - Install, Tile - Repair, Tile Flooring - Install, Demolition - Interior, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install, Garage - Build, Sunroom or Patio Enclosure - Build, Basement - Remodel, Bathroom - Remodel, Garage - Remodel, Kitchen - Remodel, Major Renovation - Multiple Rooms, Countertops, Flooring, Major Home Repairs, Wedding Arrangements, Major Remodels & Renovations, Cabinets - Install, Cabinets - Reface, Closet or Garage Organizers - Install, Countertops - Laminate Countertops - Install, Countertops - Tile: Ceramic and Porcelain - Install, Countertops - Tile: Natural Stone (Granite, Marble, Slate, Quartz, etc.) - Install, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Install or Replace, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Repair, Wood Flooring - Install or Completely Replace, Wood Flooring - Refinish, Simulated Wood or Stone, Vinyl, Laminate Floor - Install, Disability Ramps - Build, Addition to Existing Structure - Build, Attics - Remodel, Custom Home Builder, Deck or Porch - Build or Replace, Deck - Repair or Replace, Deck, Fence, Patio or Porch - Clean and Seal, Gazebo or Freestanding Porch - Build or Install, Designer - Landscape, Specialty Painting - Faux Finishes, Disability Elevator or Chair Lift - Install, Disability Retrofit, Remodel to Accommodate a Disability, Finish Carpentry, Trim & Special Moldings - Exterior Trim - Manufacturer, Deck Railings - Install, Deck Railings - Repair, Deck - Demolition, Deck - Design, 3 Season Room - Install, Medical Cabinets, Deck Finishing, Steel Building, Tile - Install, Tile - Repair, Tile Flooring - Install, Demolition - Interior, Wood Flooring (End Grain Tile) - Install
Description: Interior Custom Designed and Painted Residential Remodeling Project Two Story Renovation
Keywords: Exterior, Residential, Porch, Construction, Residential Project, New Roof, Roofing, Sun Roof, Porch Roof, New Porch Construction, Patio, New Exterior Porch, Custom Designed enterance, Sun deck, Covered Sun Deck, Interior, Custom, Designed, Painted, Residential, Remodeling, Project, Custom Painted, Custom Designed Ceiling Molding, Cusotm Ceiling Molding, Remodel, Carpet, Installation, Interior Remodel, Carpet Installation, Stairs, Residential Project, Custom Carpet Installation on Stairs, Custom Carpet, Custom Installation, Custom Cut Carpet, Custom designed Carpet, Custom Arch ways, Custom Wood Railings, Wood Fixtures, Stained Wood, Builtin shelving, two story home, two story home remodel
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