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VASS Construction, Inc.
Phone: 888-407-5474
Overall Company Rating:  rate
Company ID: 53072
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Company Description
Since, 1997, VASS Construction is an experienced, dynamic and energetic building company. We specialize in custom home building, renovations, and remodeling. The VASS Construction experience guarantees that your custom home building renovation or remodeling process is rewarding and satisfying. Through the use of practical knowledge and a flexible approach to construction building, clients, enjoy peace of mind when tackling the challenges of building their dream home or completing a major remodeling or renovation project. We understand when building your home, completing your renovation or remodeling project that a careful balance of ideas, creativity and communication will lead to a successful project. We purposefully perform a limited number of projects each year ensuring that each receives the high level of quality and personal attention that every client deserves. We recognize our work is a reflection of who you are.
Company Rating:

Currently no ratings available.

Company Details:
In Business Since: 1997
Residential Contractor: Yes
Commerical Contractor: Yes
Industrial Contractor: Yes
Government Contractor: Yes
24 Hour Emergency Service: NO
Offers Financing: NO
Accepts Credit Cards: YES
Website Yes
Image Gallery Yes
License Information VA CLASS A 2705093807A
Top 10 Services We Offer:  
   Addition to Existing Structure - Build
   Major Remodels & Renovations
   Custom Home Builder
   New Home Builders
   Design/Build Services
Homeowner Reviews and Ratings for This Company
This company has 0 reviews.
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