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Everycontractor.com  > >  Contractor Directory  > >  Deck - Design  > >  Custom Outdoor Creations Llc
Custom Outdoor Creations Llc
Phone: 888-423-5580
Overall Company Rating:  rate
Company ID: 51888
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Company Description
Custom build outdoor kitchens and sell all components needed to complete the job. Custom build and sell fireplaces, fire pits and outdoor furniture. Custom build cedar, cypress and pine decks, pergolas and pavilions. Have subs for pool building, landscaping, paving, remodeling, electrical, plumming, masion, stucco and granite needs.
Company Rating:

Currently no ratings available.

Company Details:
In Business Since: 2004
Residential Contractor: Yes
Commerical Contractor: Yes
Industrial Contractor: No
Government Contractor: No
24 Hour Emergency Service: NO
Offers Financing: NO
Accepts Credit Cards: NO
Website Yes
Image Gallery Yes
License Information 12429
Top 10 Services We Offer:  
   Brick and Stone Patios, Walks, and Steps - Install
   Landscape Installation Management
   Countertops - Tile: Natural Stone (Granite, Marble, Slate, Quartz, etc.) - Install
   Masonry - Install
   Deck or Porch - Build or Replace
   Outdoor Kitchens & Barbeques - Install
   Fire Pit - Install or Design
   Patio - Build
   Landscape - Install
   Sunroom or Patio Enclosure - Build
Homeowner Reviews and Ratings for This Company
This company has 0 reviews.
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